Head of Careers – Ms A Stein
E: [email protected]
T: 01707 622867
Good Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is essential to enable students to take control of their future and make the most of the opportunities open to them. There is more choice than ever before with regard to technical qualifications, apprenticeships and alternatives to the traditional academic
Careers Programme
We are keen for our students to explore the available options and pathways open to them. Our Careers Programme is designed to cover Years 8-13 with many of the activities and information delivered in a carousel of PSHRE activities tailored to the age and stage of the students. It is linked to the eight Gatsby Benchmarks highlighted in the statutory guidance published in July 2021.
In line with statutory guidance, all students have access to independent and impartial advice and guidance particularly at the critical times of transition, provided by fully qualified careers advisers. All Year 11 students will have met with Ms Stein at least once by the end of their autumn term.
Other non-timetabled activities include parent information evenings, work experience after GCSE exams, personal guidance interviews and support at points of transition. We also offer the Morrisby Profile in the Summer term of Year 10 (which is optional and has a cost attached) which is a psychometric assessment which matches abilities, skills and interests to career areas. More information is available from: www.morrisby.com
Many of our Sixth Formers apply to university. There are ample opportunities to sample taster courses, workshops, open days, work experience and lectures to support their application and students are welcome to book individual help and guidance with the school’s careers advisers. We also provide students with support to apply to technical courses, apprenticeships and school leaver programmes.
Please see the documentation below for more information on our Careers Programme.
To be reviewed in summer 2024
Careers Talk Week
We are extremely fortunate to have fantastic alumni who are invited in each year at the beginning of March, for our dedicated Careers Talk Week. Around 16 talks are organised for the week and students in Years 9-13 are encouraged to attend where they have the opportunity to ask practical questions and learn about the different entry routes in to a particular job or profession. This can include advice on CVs, qualifications and the interview process. More can be read about this annual activity in the school newsletters.
Partners and Resources
We subscribe to Unifrog for all students from Year 10-13 which is an impartial, user-friendly careers platform to help students make good choices and submit strong applications. Unifrog allows our students to explore different careers and obtain information on the qualifications and experience needed to succeed in these careers https://www.unifrog.org/about
We work with the Careers and Enterprise Company who are helping schools to link with local employers to encourage more interaction with the workplace. We have been matched with AECOME to help us to work towards the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. Meetings take place on a regular basis to discuss progress. More information here: www.careersandenterprise.co.uk
We are using the Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal https://www.hopinto.co.uk/ and would encourage all students, parents and carers and teachers to use this portal to seek current live job or apprenticeship vacancies within Hertfordshire as well as being a one-stop shop for a variety of information about the Hertfordshire jobs market providing information and inspiration about a variety of careers.
Choosing what to do next whether at 14+, 16+ or 18+ can be daunting and we aim to provide students with information about all the options open to them. The ‘Get the Jump’ hub on the National Careers Website has been designed to help young people to understand their education and training options. https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/explore-your-education-and-training-choices
Apprenticeships are a combination of working and studying and can be done in a range of different subjects and areas. They range from level 2 apprenticeships up to degree level apprenticeships. Students can research and apply for an apprenticeship directly from their Unifrog account. For more information about what apprenticeships can offer, have a look at the latest parent pack provided by Amazing Apprenticeships: Apprenticeships Parent Pack
Provider Access
We hold an annual Careers Fair where local employers and education providers are invited in to meet our students and give them information on technical qualifications, apprenticeships and employment opportunities. Providers of approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships are also invited to address students during the standard school day. Please find below our Provider Access policy. If anyone wishes to address our students or take part in Careers Fair they should contact our Head of Careers, Ms A Stein.
To be reviewed: Summer 2025
Dame Alice Owen’s School
Dugdale Hill Lane
Potters Bar
01707 643441
[email protected]
Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.