
We have a distinguished history. Dame Alice Owen founded our school in 1613 in Islington; initially a boys’ school, followed by the addition of a girls’ school in 1886 and becoming co-educational after the move to our present site in 1973. Her legacy, through the Brewers Company, is still felt throughout our school today.

New buildings and facilities, set in our extensive 34 acre grounds with a large lake, have been built since our move ensuring we have an ever-evolving, superbly equipped teaching and learning environment.

Two hundred children are admitted each year in accordance with our Governors’ published criteria with priority for a number of local children and current siblings. Our intake is allocated to seven mixed ability teaching groups.

Studying at Dame Alice Owen’s

We provide an education which is both challenging and fulfilling, equipping students with all the essential skills for life. Reflecting the motto of the Worshipful Company of Brewers, ‘In God is all our trust’, our school has a long tradition of working within the ethos of British values and students of all faiths are warmly welcomed at the school.

Great store is placed on enabling every young person to realise his or her full potential regardless of ability. We are justly proud of our outstanding success in public examinations, consistently recognized as some of the best results in the Country. All students follow the full National Curriculum and the Hertfordshire-agreed syllabus for Religious Education (details of which can be found in our annually produced Supplementary Information Booklet). The national programme is enhanced by the teaching of Drama in Years 7 and 8 and by the introduction of separate sciences in Year 8. The majority of students study separate sciences at GCSE as well as at A Level.

Students excel in external competitions such as the Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics Challenges where many obtain gold awards and are subsequently invited to compete at the highest levels. Excellent results are mirrored by the enthusiasm and determination with which each and every subject is studied by all our students. Personal well being and academic success is encouraged by a highly supportive pastoral care system which includes Form Tutors, Heads of Student Progress and Assistant Heads. We aim for every young person to realise their full potential regardless of ability and to develop into a mature, well-rounded adult with a real understanding of moral and social issues, equipped for the 21st Century.

Life in the Sixth Form

Our Sixth Form at Dame Alice Owen’s is a large and vibrant community with a really stimulating atmosphere. Here young people can develop their academic, extra-curricular and social skills ready for the life beyond school.

Academic standards are exceptionally high. Results place us amongst the top sixty state schools at A level, with most students continuing their studies at Russell Group universities including between 16 and 25 going to Oxford or Cambridge each year. There are numerous opportunities outside the classroom too. Sixth formers have their very own purpose-built centre with common room and Individual Learning Centre. Students participate in music, drama, arts and sport and play a full part in the life of our community, including the opportunity to be prefects, to help lower school classes in lessons and to edit the school magazine, ‘The Arrow’.

The majority of students at Dame Alice Owen’s remain here post-16, but we also welcome external applications for our amazingly lively, successful and increasingly popular Sixth Form.

Extra-curricular opportunities at Dame Alice Owen’s

There is a rich and rewarding (and really good fun) life outside the classroom at Dame Alice Owen’s.

Clubs and societies that meet during lunchtimes include Computing, Debating, Link (Christian Union), Chess, Maths, Geography and many more. Drama at the school is exceptional with three productions a year to allow all students to hone their skills and enjoy that special production team spirit.

And beyond the school boundaries… there are numerous visits to the theatre and Art galleries and field trips in History, Geography, R.S. and Biology. And beyond borders…we organise journeys abroad such as Art trips to Spain, PE trips to places such as Lanzarote, Physic trips to CERN in Geneva, History trips to the Somme and Berlin, and RE trips to various places such as China, Morocco, Costa Rica, Equador and the Galapagos Islands. There is also always the challenging and ever-popular Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.

Life as a student at Dame Alice Owen’s is varied, stimulating and utterly unforgettable. As a result, we know Old Owenians continue to network long after they have moved on.

School Contact Info

Dame Alice Owen’s School

Dugdale Hill Lane
Potters Bar

01707 643441
[email protected]

Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info