Please be aware the school is heavily oversubscribed and we do not currently have any vacancies.
The Governing Body is responsible for the allocation of all in-year places in accordance with the School’s published admission rules.
The In-year admissions process is applicable to students who wish to apply for a place at Dame Alice Owen’s other than at Secondary Transfer or at the start of the Sixth Form. In-year admissions can only be made if places become available due to students leaving the school and the school population within an academic year falling below the published admission number of 200.
In Year applications can only be made via Hertfordshire County Council (Tel 0300 123 4043). It is unlikely we will be able to offer a place to your child as we rarely have any vacancies so they will be placed on our Continuing Interest (CI) list for consideration for the academic year in which the application was made. Following application if you wish to find out your child’s position on the list you can email the school Admissions Office. Please allow two weeks for applications to be processed before contacting Admissions.
The In Year CI lists close usually towards the end of June each year. You will need to make a fresh In Year application for the next academic year from late June if you wish your child to continue to be considered for the following academic year. Please contact HCC for the exact dates.
Vacancies in Year 7 will be filled in accordance with our published oversubscription criteria as set out in page 2 of our Admission Arrangements.
Vacancies in Years 8 – 11 will be filled in accordance with the following oversubscription criteria in number order: 1. Looked After Children; 2. Children of Staff; 3. Sibling; 4. Proximity to the School. Details of each of these criteria are defined on page 2 of our Admission Arrangements.
The Governors will comply with the locally agreed Fair Access Protocol to admit a vulnerable child who is hard to place, outside the normal round of admissions and in excess of our published admission numbers.
We would appreciate if you could refer to our comprehensive FAQs list before contacting the school with any further queries, as you may find the answer to your question here. This will enable our Admissions Officer and general office staff to deal with priority calls – thank you for your consideration.
Dame Alice Owen’s School
Dugdale Hill Lane
Potters Bar
01707 643441
[email protected]
Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.