We are always trying to improve the information made available on our website for prospective parents, parents and students. If you have any questions you would like answered or information you would like to see posted here, specifically for the Sixth Form, please email [email protected] with your request – thank you in anticipation for your feedback.
The Sixth Form dress code is “smart office wear”. We believe that this not only prepares students for their studies but also for life beyond school. We have produced a guide of what we mean by “smart office wear” and expect students to follow it. On certain occasions, students will be asked to wear “Visitation Dress Code”, which consists of dark suit, white shirt and tie for boys, black skirt and white shirt/blouse for girls.
If a Sixth Form student is studying PE at A Level, the dress code is a white t-shirt/top and black shorts/leggings and if they are in a school team, they will wear the team kit.
You are expected to follow the normal school requirements for attendance. If you wish to leave early or arrive late, or wish to be absent for a special reason, you should bring a written request from your parents to your Head of Year, via your Form Tutor. Punctuality is expected, and you should report to the School Office if arriving after 8.50am or leaving early, otherwise you will be marked absent and enquiries will be made. If you are aware in advance that you will be missing lessons, you should inform the subject teacher concerned.
Please note! If you fall below a minimum of 90% attendance, you could have your place withdrawn.
We recognise the need for you to earn your own money and the educational experience that such jobs provide can be valuable. You should, however, think carefully about commitments which are going to encroach upon your study time outside school, and bear in mind the fact that with the modular nature of the new courses, revision will be required at fairly frequent intervals.
Smoking is banned at all times on school premises and when walking/travelling to or from school. Offenders risk serious consequences if discovered, in view of the risk of damage to property, to individual health and to the health of others.
Dame Alice Owen’s School
Dugdale Hill Lane
Potters Bar
01707 643441
[email protected]
Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.