School Uniform


“OSA (Owen’s School Association) Nearly New”

For all details regarding school uniform, please see below:

In the Sixth Form, there is a specific dress code, please see below:

Our main suppliers are below but uniform can be bought from other shops.


If you have a specific query regarding School Uniform, please contact our School Office:
[email protected].

The OSA provide an essential service to the school, by selling GOOD QUALITY, FAIRLY PRICED nearly new uniform at various events and via online ‘pop up’ shops throughout the year.

The following are some of the key benefits for buying uniform from the OSA:

  • Parents make significant cost savings,
  • Sustainable benefits to the environment by recycling good conditioned uniform,
  • The OSA raises important funds which Match Funders can match.

Parents and carers are encouraged to recycle and donate items. To make it easy for your students, containers are located through the main Reception doors on the right hand side walkway, labelled ‘OSA Nearly New Uniform’.

In addition, at the end of each academic year, uncollected items of lost property stored in the school office are passed on and included in the “Owen’s Nearly New” sale events. Other uncollected items, such as watches, mobile phones and glasses are returned to owners whenever possible by the school office.

Given Dame Alice Owen’s School relies on funds raised by the OSA to provide many extra resources to pupils, we are unable to offer refunds on any items purchased.

This service is run by two parent OSA volunteers Mrs Mbalu Koroma and Mrs Patricia Doyle and the school are very grateful to them for providing this much needed service.

For further information about the “OSA Nearly New”, or if you would like to volunteer to help, please email [email protected].


School Contact Info

Dame Alice Owen’s School

Dugdale Hill Lane
Potters Bar

01707 643441
[email protected]

Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info