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Festive Maths Lecture for Year 8 Students

In has been a busy month in the Maths Department here at Dame Alice Owen’s. Earlier in December, our Year 8 students took part in a Maths Festive Lecture hosted by ‘Think Maths’. It was an interactive session where students took part in festive lottery, made festive decorations, looked at number patterns and were introduced to the concept of binary numbers.
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Cologne Christmas Markets Trip with Y7 & Y8

Last week, a selection of pupils in Year 7 and Year 8, along with staff, visited Cologne on a winter school trip. The group had the opportunity to visit three different Christmas markets, including the wonderful Heumarkt Market, had an engaging guided tour of Cologne Cathedral – the world’s most impressive Gothic cathedral, and went to the lovely Lindt Chocolate Museum and the Olympics Museum. Everyone had a fantastic time...
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TikTok Rapper & Presenter Formz delivers an important message to Y7 & Y8 students

Earlier this week, DAOS welcomed the TikToc trend-setter, Formz. Formz is a rapper, BBC Bitesize presenter, writer and Sky Sports commentator, working in different areas to pursue his dreams. Formz discussed with Y7 and Y8 students the importance of working hard at school, why education is so important, how it impacts life after school and the options pupils have after school.He also shared his own personal stories and achievements. The...
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Paralympian Emma Wiggs MBE pays a visit to Dame Alice Owen’s School

Last week, our GCSE and A Level P.E. students were extremely fortunate to receive a visit and talk from double Paralympic gold medallist and 11 time World Champion Kayaker, Emma Wiggs MBE. Emma gave an incredibly inspiring and heartening talk about her journey from being an able-bodied sports woman to losing the use of her legs and subsequently becoming a full time professional athlete. Emma provided our students with some...
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Student participation in Morgan Stanley careers event, Canary Wharf

This week, two of our students were selected to take part in a unique careers programme in Canary Wharf with Morgan Stanley and Net Eire in partnership with peace building charity, Co-Operation Ireland. DAOS pupils, James and Alicia, were part of a small number of students from Ireland and London selected for their potential as individuals who could benefit from the opportunity to broaden their horizons and get a taste...
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