Social Action Success!

At the beginning of this academic year, the Pastoral team introduced a new leadership role (Social Action Captain) for students in Key Stage 3 and 4. At the start of the Summer Term, Social Action Captains were tasked with selecting a social action project that they felt passionate about. Each House worked in collaboration with House Captains and the following projects were launched:

The projects aimed to raise awareness in our school community as well as raise funds for the selected charities.  The work that students have undertaken has been exceptional. We have seen students leading a range of activities, these have included; a screening of Bend it like Beckham to illustrate how different communities can work together, making and selling cultural bracelets, a tuck and bake sale, a sponsored silence and sports week and a Non-uniform day with a themed colour.

On Tuesday 4 July, Social Action Captains were invited to present the impact of their projects to members of the Senior Leadership and Pastoral Team alongside our Vice Chair of Governors. The panel were blown away by the leadership of the students and actions taken.

  • Clerkenwell raised a total of £2,058 for the Stephen Lawrence Charity
  • Goswell: raised a total of £540.25 for Young Minds
  • Hermitage:  raised a total of £621.15 for Safe line
  • Isledon: raised £1,030 for Amnesty International with other fundraising still underway

Clerkenwell were voted as the overall House with the biggest impact. They received 1,000 House points and an invitation to go to the House of Commons to meet Baroness Lawrence in the Autumn Term. The work of all students has been phenomenal and we are excited to see the launch of new projects next academic year.

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Dame Alice Owen’s School

Dugdale Hill Lane
Potters Bar

01707 643441
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Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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