Application Information

Please refer to our comprehensive FAQs before contacting the school with any queries. This will enable our Admissions Office to deal with priority calls – thank you.

For a list of relevant dates, including the next opportunity to visit the school  please visit our  Key Dates page.

Dame Alice Owen’s School is a secondary day school for boys and girls aged 11-18. Originally founded in 1613, we are Voluntary Aided in status and admit children across the ability range. 65 children per year out of the available 200 places, however, are selected according to aptitude and ability as determined by the Governors’ Entrance Examination and an additional 10 places are selected by Music Aptitude tests.

Applications are welcome from parents whose children are likely to make a full and committed contribution to the extra-curricular life of the school, and to benefit from the extensive additional facilities and opportunities provided by the Dame Alice Owen Foundation. Our Governors are legally responsible for admissions to the school, and offers of places are approved by our Governors’ Admissions Committee. Governors are fully committed to maintaining our family focus with the sibling criterion, whilst retaining partial selection and musical aptitude.



MOVEMENT ON LISTS – updated 20th May 2024

Academic Places have been offered up to and including ranked position number 122

Music Places have been offered up to and including ranked position number 12

Distance Criterion 2/7– the furthest home-school distance we have been able to allocate a place to is 496.58 metres from the address point for the school.

Movement on the academic, music and distance lists will be regularly updated on this page.  You should use this as your first point of reference –  please do not contact the Admissions Office for this information – this will enable them to deal with priority calls during this busy time.

Please refer to our Key Dates page for timetabled dates of future offers.


This process is explained in the email sent to parents/carers on 4th March 2024, and can also be found here




Please refer to our  Key Dates for a list of all relevant dates.

Test Registration closed on 11th June. 

Please note we are unable to accept test registration requests after the published date of 11th June 2024. 

26th June 2024 – emails with details of the September tests have been sent to all test registrants that registered on or before 11th June and live in one of our Local Priority Area.   Please email Admissions  if you have not received these details.

Our Verbal Reasoning paper is produced by GL Assessment and our English and Maths tests are set in house. Familiarisation papers for all tests can be accessed here.

Familiarisation papers for the Verbal Reasoning, English and Maths tests can be found here.


The information below is intended to give you further information about the School and the Admissions process.

Admission Arrangements Key Dates Familiarisation Papers
Results Entrance Exam Information EHCP Applications
Access Arrangements Music Test Information  


School Contact Info

Dame Alice Owen’s School

Dugdale Hill Lane
Potters Bar

01707 643441
[email protected]

Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info